Weight: 11 pounds, 5 ounces
Likes: Super Baby!, stuffed Bunny, Kicking on the Floor, Walks outside in the Moby Wrap, baby massage and BATHS!!!!
Dislikes: Being changed (anything pulled over her head or over her arms....geeze!!), being held too close or not the right way, extended periods in the car, rolling over (PANIC!) and not being put to sleep right when she wants it!
Eating: Well, my last post sums it all up. Since our formula transition, Emma seems quite happy - she is so used to short feeds it is taking some adjusting to our schedule. She has tried Baby Rice and Carrot so far - I think she finds the whole process strange, but she seems quite intrigued by the flavours! We are using the Gina Ford Weaning method - I like it because it takes the thinking out of it! Wish us luck!
Sleeping: Emma looooves her sleep...when she gets it her way. Unfortunately, she needs to be in her crib, swaddled and in the pitch black in order to sleep. She is fabulous at night - only wakes up once between 1 and 3 AM - she slept all the way through once!!! She needs 3 naps during the day and they are really inconsistent. Some days she will sleep for 30 minutes - other days it's two hours!
Sleeping: Emma looooves her sleep...when she gets it her way. Unfortunately, she needs to be in her crib, swaddled and in the pitch black in order to sleep. She is fabulous at night - only wakes up once between 1 and 3 AM - she slept all the way through once!!! She needs 3 naps during the day and they are really inconsistent. Some days she will sleep for 30 minutes - other days it's two hours!
Routine: Our routine is all over the place with the introduction of formula and longer feeds. We usually still wake up at 6 (isn) and then an hour and a half after a feed, we have a nap. That routine continues until 6 pm when we give Emma a bath and she has her final feed at 7. From there - she's usually out until 2am!
Sizes: WELL. She's an American girl at heart. In US clothes she is wearing 3 month tops and 6 month bottoms (those arms and legs!!!). In the UK she is wearing 0-3 month and has only just grown out of new baby - mind you - it's just her arms that have grown out!
Milestones: Smiles, smiles, smiles! She is also trying to roll over. She tends to get one leg over the other and then gets stuck and cries. That - or she rolls over which such force she bounces back and cries. Bless her. Teeth are making some movements as she is drooling everywhere and chewing on everything. Solids are our massive milestone this month!
Mum's favourite moment: Emma's face when we gave her carrot for the first time. I just melted. She isn't sure but then she has an adorable smile when she realises she likes it!
Dad's favourite moment: When out for our nightly stroll around Bonfire night, some early fireworks were set off. Her face was an absolute picture - she was mesmerised!
Dad's favourite moment: When out for our nightly stroll around Bonfire night, some early fireworks were set off. Her face was an absolute picture - she was mesmerised!
We had a few great moments this month - quite a few teary ones (from both of us) - but mostly adorable, lovely, gorgeous moments with Baby Emma!
Emma's first Halloween! We opted for a Day of the Dead inspired skeleton.
Lunch at Middleton Steakhouse. She's loving hats at the minute! Dribble bibs are also a KEY element of her wardrobe at the minute - teeth are on their way! I LOVE these Ted Baker bibs!
Sophie the Giraffe is our new favourite toy.
Tummy time is NOT Emma's favourite.
But she loves walks with mummy and daddy in the evening.
How cool is her hat?
Every day there is something new and exciting! Sparklers for Bonfire night were particularly new and exciting!
Another month older - where on earth does the time go?
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