Weight Gain: 33 pounds! (I'm not sure how I lost that one pound)
Maternity Clothes: I'm currently back in my Pea in the Pod maternity jeans as it's so cold here at the moment! Good thing cardigans don't need to be done up over a bump!
Stretch Marks: So far so good. I'd be really happy if I escape with none other than the ones on my chest! I caught sight of a little purple line earlier -- I'm hoping it's a bruise and not a stretch mark taking shape!
Belly Button: Poking out - visible in any shirt. I'm debating sticking a sticker over it.
Queasy or Sick: I've had pretty wicked heartburn this week and generally feel a bit pukey and tired, but on the whole, I'm feeling good!
Sleep: B was working nights all week so I had the bed to myself. Well. That was a whole new level of sleeping. Now that we are back to sharing I've decided the best thing about that was I could turn from one side to the other side in a less painful manoeuvre. I'm still up about four times a night and I'm awake and ready to go from a VERY early hour. I'm currently waiting on B to wake up - hence this lovely 38 week post!
Best Moment of the Week: FRIDAY WAS MY LAST DAY AT WORK! It was a great day in the sense that people were so kind and thoughtful, wishing us luck and gifting us with some gorgeous treats for baby McB. My department had a banner and cake at lunch - not to mention an adorable set of Beatrix Potter books and some pampering treats for me after baby arrives!
Worst Moment of the Week: I've had two moments: Tuesday we were visited for the FORTH time this year by Ofsted. Could I catch a break? Of course not. In fact, I was observed within the first hour of them being on site. Luckily, it was all very positive, but seriously - I didn't need that at 37 weeks pregnant with two days to go. The second worst moment week was FRIDAY - MY LAST DAY AT WORK! It's just a terrible feeling that I won't be with my friends every day, battling on through the next challenges. I know I have my own challenges trying to figure out this "mom" stuff, but I'll miss my job and my classroom and my parking space.
Miss Anything: After trying Tequila sunrise mocktails on Friday night, I'm not sure I need alcohol. I'm starting to crave all of the things I've not had over the past nine months: blue cheese, wine, Starbucks 3-4 times a day....
Movement: Plenty. We are fairly confident baby is in the right place now, and hopefully my midwife can confirm that on Monday! Plenty of kicking in the rib region today, which leads me to believe that Baby is well aware of America's ranking in the World Cup. Let's hope it takes the American stance over the English!
Cravings: Strong flavours. Really really sweet or really really salty foods. I feel like I need them constantly. I think I'll have to employ a grazing technique this week - good thing we stocked up on healthy snacks as opposed to rubbish!
Looking forward to: The weather warming up! It's awful here - cold, dark and rainy. I'm so jealous of my American friends and family and every photo I've seen from the past few days is sunshine and shorts and pools! I'm currently writing this post in Starbucks whilst wrapped up in a scarf and cardigan (sipping my Mocha Coconut Frappuccino - cold or not, it's June and that's just something you do you June). Hopefully by next weekend our weather will pick up (B swears it's always like this during Wimbledon!).
Leaving work has been a truly bittersweet experience. I know I need the break and I owe to both myself and baby to take some time and look after myself before the real adventure begins. It's hard to let go when you love the people you spend the day with. Sure, work has been stressful above anything this year, but I love my department and friends and can't wait to be back with them in December.
The lovely book set my team gifted us is so very English - I love it. B was over the moon as he loved these stories growing up. Baby has a nice little library taking shape on the windowsill in the nursery. As an English teacher, I totally approve of this.
And FINALLY - The Nursery! I've kept it fairly under wraps until now as it's been a bit of a holding area for everything and anything to do with baby! I've finally made B take boxes downstairs and get everything put into place so I can see what it's actually going to look like. The only thing missing is my big, comfy nursing chair (not to mention a baby) - but I want that in the lounge until it's absolutely needed upstairs!
I love panorama shots on the iPhone.
The wallpaper was already in the house when we moved in and we both loved the funky look.
The chest of drawers was an old, cheap set from Ikea which B painted (very well, I might add).
The crib is from Mothercare and much appreciated gift from Grandma and Granddad Berry. The bedding has come from Vertbaudet and was really the inspiration for the room as a whole (not available anymore!).
The sleigh change table (which you can't really see) we got on offer from Kiddiecare as there was a slight nick in the side. The change mat was a gift from some dear friends in America and was shipped to us using our Amazon Baby Registry.
The alphabet print on the wall was a steal from The Range for £5 and the teal storage trolly holding blankets, muslins and toys was my favourite find in Ikea. The rug is also an oldie but goodie we had from Ikea.
The Car Seat and Pram (a generous gift from Nona and Granddad McManus) just needed somewhere to go whist we await the arrival of baby. Not to mention the Bumbo seat and feeding instruments in the corner. You can't miss my hospital bags in the middle of the room - all packed and ready to go! Baby's things are in the OiOi change bag - another gorgeous find from Kiddiecare.
I have a few favourites in the room at the moment:
Firstly, the tree lamp from The Range! I wanted something you could touch to dim and jut loved the look of the trees on this one. B picked it out - he is incredibly keen that I acknowledge his efforts!
And of course, the pom poms from Pom Pom Studio! I did underestimate the amount of poms we would need, but I think we have it just right here. And the colours! I love the white, teal, mint and aqua - easily gender neutral and easily tailored to boy or girl! Brian bear (a gift to me from Uncle Brian -my brother - a few years ago) is hanging out in the crib as he awaits the arrival of his new best friend (Speaking of, have you seen this video??) - he is even breaking in the flat cap we found in Primark in case Baby McBerry is a boy!
SO that's it! Tomorrow is going to be very strange as I'll be on my own...waiting. I can't take baths to pass the time and ease my aches as I can't get myself out of the tub. I anticipate a rather nerve wracking week - it's only a matter of time now!
You hear that, Baby? We are ready for you!
Have a good week everyone!
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