Ah, the month of love.
While Valentine's Day has been an ever present staple in the calendar since my childhood, I'm quite shocked to learn it's still relatively new here in the UK. I merely mentioned sending a Valentine to someone and B, puzzled, queried how I would send a person in the post.
That's when it hit me.
The English didn't decorate shoe boxes as mailboxes as kids. They didn't go to the shop to select the "coolest" Valentines for their classmates. They didn't spend hours trying to remember the names of everyone in their class based on the seating plan. They didn't struggle to select the least romantic - let alone friendly - note in the pack of valentines for that kid in the class who you didn't like and didn't want to appear as though you liked.
No conversation hearts, no Malley's chocolate covered strawberries, no wearing red for the day. Nothing.
Don't get me wrong - I've always been able to but a card with "Happy Valentines Day, Boyfriend/Husband." Good luck finding one for someone you are friends with as opposed to in love with. It's difficult to get a table in restaurants - although some boast a special menu. There are heart shaped boxes of chocolates on sale and Moonpig advertises quite a selection of gift hampers.
But it's not the same.
But it's not the same.
Last year, I had to work on Valentines day. It was Parents Evening - so my night was spent with my colleagues, in a freezing cold hall, discussing how Johnny Sixth Form was getting on in my subject. It just wasn't a big deal. The parent's didn't seem to care. Most of the staff didn't seem to be bothered. I seemed to be the only person sulking as my first married Valentine's Day was being spent with everyone apart from my new husband!
There is a nod in recognition to the holiday (much like Halloween - and DON'T get me started on Paddy's day!) -but it's more a polite gesture rather than a celebration.
There is a nod in recognition to the holiday (much like Halloween - and DON'T get me started on Paddy's day!) -but it's more a polite gesture rather than a celebration.
So THIS year - I'm really excited to see a bit more of a celebratory "wahoo" in the general direction of Valentine's day. B is going to get a Valentines Day as American as I can make it. He's already enjoyed a batch of Red Velvet Cupcakes (recipe here) and gifted me with one of my Valentine's Gifts - a phone wallet.
I see that B is being trained well; carry on with the good work. And oh, by the way, Happy Valentine's Day, Jen! Enjoy!