Tuesday, 26 July 2016

The Sharpie Incident

I have a confession to make.  Yesterday, I made a mothering mistake.  It wasn't a mistake per say, but it was something I regret.

I've been working on some calligraphy projects and I tend to use a notebook and sharpie to draft my work.   While Emma was napping, I hung out in the living room with a bit of Mr. Selfridge (Thank you, Amazon Fire Stick...you fuel my addiction...) and when Emma woke up, I left all of my pens and paper on the floor.  I didn't think much of it as we were outside for the rest of the afternoon.

Here's my critical error: I made dinner.  I don't tend to make dinner before B gets home as I much prefer to "get stuck in" with Emma (B and I eat much later anyways).  I'll play with play doh and color or have tea parties because - to me - that's how I mother.  I like to be present.  I like to get on the floor. I like to read the same book fifty times.

As I busied myself with polenta, Emma got ahold of the sharpie.  B and I were talking in the kitchen and our little two year old came wandering into the kitchen with a huge, mischievous grin on her face.  In her hand - the sharpie.  Her fingers were black - I panicked.  


I quickly snatched the pen out of her hand and looked around my living room for the destruction.  I found none.  NONE.  Her face crumbled; she sobbed. 

This isn't the worst bit.  Sure, I make her cry all the time by giving her the wrong cup or changing her dirty diapers.  The worst bit was that when I found the "destruction":

She was copying me.  She holds the pen perfectly and is already making pseudo-letters and straight lines.   Her little marks were nestled in amongst mine.  It just broke my heart - she wanted to be like mummy.  To her - she didn't do anything wrong as she was copying me.

I felt terrible.  I left the piece out in the living room to remind me to be patient - Sharpie is permanent, but does a little mark of sharpie really matter? I mean, really? I think my actions have a more permanent impact on Emma than a little marker.  

This morning, Emma showed me the "coloring" and I told her it was very good.  I asked if she wanted to do more and she showed up with another sharpie (Seriously!  Where does she find them?!) 

Ah, ha.  A teachable moment.  We spent about half an hour coloring with sharpie.  

Will she remember?  Probably not. Does it matter?  Not really.  Did we share a lovely moment together?  Of course.


Friday, 22 July 2016

Happy Second Birthday, Emma Rose

This blog was started a few years ago to document our lives.  I love to write because I feel as though I can fully think through every detail - reflect and learn by putting my fingers to the keyboard.  I stopped a few months ago because I felt as though I needed to take the time to ground myself:  celebrate our lives first hand and live in the moment.

Now, I feel that I need to return to the keyboard and document life once more.  It was actually Emma's birthday which pushed me to do so.  

On July 17th, our feisty and fiery little lady turned two.  We were surrounded by friends and family.  We received love notes from near and far.  Family from around the world took time out of their day to celebrate my wonderful child's birthday.

It got me to thinking about birthdays.  They are merely a day.  One day out of the year where we choose to celebrate a life and all that that life has achieved in a year.  Growth, change, learning, developing.  Birthdays are fantastic reminders that we as a human race care about life and value it so much.  When the world seems clouded with hate, anger and violence, something as simple as gathering around a birthday cake can refresh our view of mankind.  

Emma's Birthday Interview!

What is your favorite color?   
Pink (much to mummy's dismay) but she forever calls everything "Blue."

What is your favorite food? 
Banana or "treats" (which could be anything)

What is your favorite TV show?  
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

What is your favorite thing to do? 
JUMP!  Especially on trampolines.

Where is your favorite place to go?  
The playground - especially Preston's Hope.  It's adorable.

What is your favorite toy?  
Brian Bear (heaven forbid we ever lose him) and the trampoline 

What is your favorite animal? 

Who is your best friend?
I don't think there's any one best friend, but she's made quite a few new friends! I think mummy still wins as favorite! 

What do you want to be when you grow up? 
At the moment, she seems to enjoy playing doctor!  She gives pretty unsuccessful CPR - let's hope she gets a bit better if that's her career ambition! 

I'm happy to be back in the world of blogging.  I'm making a promise to myself to update you all a lot more.  Emma's birthday served as the perfect reminder that she is so very loved.  We are so very loved.  I need to remember to keep you all in the loop because we are embarking on exciting times. 

*Thank you to Aunt Maureen for the photos! 