It's been a frosty week, but even the colder weather welcomes some bright skies!
How far along: Sixteen Weeks!
Weight Gain: 4 pounds!
Maternity Clothes: I am still determined to wear my regular clothes and have even begun experimenting with skirts. How high can they realistically go?? Maternity jeans at weekends and evenings though - I need the comfort! I'm wearing a pair from Top Shop jeans - amazing!
Stretch Marks: None - and I bought new Weleda stretch mark massage oil. The smell of all of the others left me queasy - we found this in Boots and although it's a bit expensive it smells and feels great!
Belly Button: In - but actually looks bigger. Is that normal??
Queasy or Sick: I'm waiting for the day when I get to say NO. I've had really bad nights and mornings this week - I've even messed up my vomit free streak. The doctor has taken me off of one of the medications and now I'm suffering again! Don't get me started!
Sleep: Quite good when I manage it. Tuesday night I woke up at 2:30 and could not for the life of me get back to sleep. I was a walking zombie all day. I was stressing and worrying and then feeling queasy. It just wasn't a good night. Luckily, I seem to be back to normal.
Best Moment of the Week: So much great stuff happened - a Spa Day for Heidi's 40th at Congham Hall and the amazing package my brother sent with the most brilliant gifts in it - but really it's a toss up between Poppy and Bella planting their faces into my belly to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to Baby McBerry and FINDING A HOUSE!! I haven't mentioned that little gem yet becuse....
Worst Moment of the Week: Being told our landlord is selling our house. Boom. B got the call last week and I was just devastated. I love this house. I've planned a nursery for this house. It's OUR house! Long story short - B took control and sorted it in a week. The new house is gorgeous!
Miss Anything: Blue Cheese and wine. I want to be in a position in life where I have a fridge full of wine, champagne and nice cheese. I really REALLY want La Gachere wine from the vineyard we stayed at in France two summers ago!
Movement: No, but I get so many niggles of pain - I often feel like tapping on my belly and asking if baby is comfortable - he/she's certainly making me uncomfortable!!
Cravings: Avocado. Of course this could be because this week Baby McBerry is the size of an avocado. We've already had guacamole and chips and then avocado, tomato and mozzarella salad to appease me.
Looking forward to: The February half term. I cannot wait for a break just so I can catch up with marking and sleep.
In the world of work, this aren't exactly going to plan as I'm feeling so rotten in the evenings. Wednesday night I was in bed by 7. 7!! I'm working so hard while I'm at work and then in the evenings, when I was usually putting in about four or five hours of marking, I'm virtually unable to do anything! I'm getting panicked as my marking needs to be done, but I've had no time (while well) to actually do it.
I think I have a plan though - so let me trial it and I'll get back to you.
In the meantime, I'm starting moving preparations! Here's a shot of our new house - it's HUGE! Hopefully we will be in by mid March - just in time for St. Paddy's day!
I'm most looking forward to the little things - loo roll holders, a table in the kitchen, heating that doesn't lock out in the middle of the night and leave us freezing, getting away from a main road...the list goes on!
How we are going to fill a four bed house is beyond me - I mean, there are four toilets. Such options!
Tonight B and I are headed to the Comedy Club at the King's Lynn Corn Exchange. I bought him tickets as part of an anniversary present - a prepaid/pre-organised date for every month. January's gift was the comedy club! How's that for a fun night out? Hoping I don't puke...